Where Can I Sell Tin by Weight?

Where Can I Sell Tin by Weight?

Tin is a chemical element with atomic number 50, symbol Sn (from the Latin stannum). Rare in its native state, tin is mainly extracted from a mineral called cassiterite where it is found in the form of SnO2 oxide. More than 80% of its production comes from a region...
What is the Current Price of Tin?

What is the Current Price of Tin?

Tin is a chemical element with atomic number 50, symbol Sn (from the Latin stannum). Rare in its native state, tin is mainly extracted from a mineral called cassiterite where it is found in the form of SnO2 oxide. It has been used since antiquity for various...
Non-ferrous Metal Recycling and Recovery Company

Non-ferrous Metal Recycling and Recovery Company

The recycling and recovery of non-ferrous industrial waste not only helps to protect the environment, but also saves money. Faced with growing demand for raw materials, industries are looking for other alternatives to supply themselves. Raw materials are not...
Where Can I Sell Tin by Weight?

Recycling and Reusing Industrial Metals

Recycling and recovering industrial metal waste not only helps the environment but also saves money. Faced with the growing demand for metals, industries are looking for other alternatives to supply their metal needs. Thanks to the recycling of industrial metals...


Hochleistungs-Schleuderguss-Technologie Von hochtechnologischer Schleudertechnologie bis hin zu zertifizierten Qualitätslegierungen, Silikonscheiben und Verbrauchsmaterialien ist die metaconcept Gruppe ein globaler Anbieter für Schleudergussanwendungen. Schleuderguss-...